There seemed to be heat trapped in the night, despite the whisper of the wind shivering the grasses as it flowed over the plains. Sitting astride Eclipse I would watch the power of the spirits dash into the cover of the night. There are stories among the plains people of how they steal the souls of people. It is interesting the stories that are told not only of the spirits but of the Haruspex themselves.
It was here near the edge of the encampment where Hallie found me, she wanted to race before she joined her friends. Now I had to wonder if she is ill, teenagers never really want to be seen with their parents let alone do something in public with them. So I accepted, it has been many turnings since I have raced.
We went to the race track and readied ourselves and then took off as if riding the winds, I could feel the muscles of Eclipse work beneath me as he strained to run as fast as he could, you could almost hear the intake of breath and its release as we moved around the track. As the race wound down Hallie took the lead to gain a victory, children do enjoy beating their parents. I do not mind losing for it is not to me always about winning, it is the enjoyment of having the fun and sharing these moments. All too soon the life of a
teenager beckons and it was time for her to be with her friends.
As I watched her run off to join her friends I found myself missing the feel of them when they were small and needed mothering, I find myself every now and then wondering if I would ever have any more, I had wanted a couple of more but those plans never came into fruition. Maybe that is why the visions irritate me and frustrate me,do they know I was ready for more from life before me. That I wanted to one day mate again and have children and to be able to give to another to bring them happiness,balance and so much more. I tell people I have no desire to mate again, but inside there is that part of me that does not like the solitary life .I have wants and needs that I would like to have fulfilled like others.
A short time later Ongel joined me, I felt the familiar tugs of a smile form as he neared. There seemed to be a hint of restlessness to him as he took me up on racing, but there was the moment of setting a wager. What to wager, I already owe him dinner and a few other things that go with that, but he seems not to interested in keeping them, the few times I have mentioned it he was evasive and seemed uninterested. A shame really I would have enjoyed sharing the time with him, but I knew that I did not hold the allure and interest of men like others did, I was sort of an oddity and you had to have a soft spot for those of us that are a bit strange or eccentric for lack of better words. But I am alright with that I am used to it. It is interesting I think what we get used to in life.
So I had to think of something, he offered a bosk, so I offered what popped into my head, if he lost he would have to bring me a vulo and a feather. And so we moved to begin the race, my kaiila he is a temperamental beast and at the most inopportune of times and he nearly knocked me into the next hand as I fell a time or two, the race was close but it was fun and I enjoyed every moment even when I had to eat dirt.
Now it was very close in fact so close I think I only won just by the skin of my teeth. Now see it just isn't any feather he will find it is one that he has set up as a challenge for himself, this I found interesting in fact it intrigued me. The night was about to take a turn for as we talked a young warrior in a panic joined us with him he had a young pregnant woman who had an arrow lodged in a very precarious position. Ongel quickly moved to her side and went to work, he worked with a skill and precision that comes with many turnings of practice, now I do not say this simply because it is him. But, because I observed with the eye of a physician, I tend to be rather observant and he worked quickly, and spoke to her in a calm manner as he told her the truth of the situation, I liked that, no false stories or hope, just the simple facts of what was and what could be. I helped as I could. I offered to help him in a way that I often do for other healers, I think he took it wrong, I wasn't asking him to cross the line of a healer into the spex or vice versa, nor was I trying to do what he does, I have a great deal of respect for him and his clan, I was simply offering to see where the arrow was so he could better maneuver it and do what he needed to do. It kind of took me back a step as he seemed to think I was trying to do some sort of healing. There are only certain times I will use my abilities as a spex to help heal or remove pain. And I am careful of when and how. if it was common knowledge and everyone would want it and then I would never be able to function. Over the turnings such has only been used for Garyx, Cana and Ba'atar. I do not do it often as it takes a lot of me to do it and effects me for a few ahns.
I respected his answer even though I really wanted to explain better, that moment wasn't it, and I never step on the toes of other clans, he was the healer, I would do as he directed, holding the skin once he removed the arrow so he could stitch her up.
I notices a few expressions after the woman's mate arrived, I was curious of it, but again I would wait until he was done explaining things to the mate . The warrior had a difficult choice to make while Ongel worked on his woman, to save her, or to save the unborn child, the warrior quickly made a choice, and to my surprise Ongel took the time to really explain the outcomes of each decision. The warrior thought on this and then made a choice. When he was done she was alive and still had her baby, and instructions were given for her care.
The way he spoke I had to ask if he had felt the loss of such, of an unborn child I knew he had lost his mate he had spoken of that. He did not answer right away and I noticed the deep breath he took, he did know the pain and he had made a different choice and lost both. But before I could say anything he quickly changed the subject to getting some food. I swear I sure know how to make a man shut down and clam up must be some bloody damn gift. It was also then that I noticed the scars that ran up under the flesh of his arms and met at the center of his chest, quickly hidden by the tunic he wore, I wanted to know how he got them.
But I already knew not to ask because he had that aura of needing to be away from my company and in the influx of the energy of many people. I walked back with him to the main fires. keeping quieter than I usually would.
He was a puzzle I could not quite figure out, for just when I got close to grasping a piece it was quickly snatched out of my grasp. I did not dwell on this as I sat down to relax with others by the main fires, I listened quietly for a bit adding a bit or two here and there.
Eventually, he was left alone again with me.. Do you think it is a punishment for him.. or a gift..
I think it depends on how you look at it.
But it sure does happen enough that I have noticed it and I find this rather interesting.
It was here near the edge of the encampment where Hallie found me, she wanted to race before she joined her friends. Now I had to wonder if she is ill, teenagers never really want to be seen with their parents let alone do something in public with them. So I accepted, it has been many turnings since I have raced.
We went to the race track and readied ourselves and then took off as if riding the winds, I could feel the muscles of Eclipse work beneath me as he strained to run as fast as he could, you could almost hear the intake of breath and its release as we moved around the track. As the race wound down Hallie took the lead to gain a victory, children do enjoy beating their parents. I do not mind losing for it is not to me always about winning, it is the enjoyment of having the fun and sharing these moments. All too soon the life of a
teenager beckons and it was time for her to be with her friends.
As I watched her run off to join her friends I found myself missing the feel of them when they were small and needed mothering, I find myself every now and then wondering if I would ever have any more, I had wanted a couple of more but those plans never came into fruition. Maybe that is why the visions irritate me and frustrate me,do they know I was ready for more from life before me. That I wanted to one day mate again and have children and to be able to give to another to bring them happiness,balance and so much more. I tell people I have no desire to mate again, but inside there is that part of me that does not like the solitary life .I have wants and needs that I would like to have fulfilled like others.
A short time later Ongel joined me, I felt the familiar tugs of a smile form as he neared. There seemed to be a hint of restlessness to him as he took me up on racing, but there was the moment of setting a wager. What to wager, I already owe him dinner and a few other things that go with that, but he seems not to interested in keeping them, the few times I have mentioned it he was evasive and seemed uninterested. A shame really I would have enjoyed sharing the time with him, but I knew that I did not hold the allure and interest of men like others did, I was sort of an oddity and you had to have a soft spot for those of us that are a bit strange or eccentric for lack of better words. But I am alright with that I am used to it. It is interesting I think what we get used to in life.
So I had to think of something, he offered a bosk, so I offered what popped into my head, if he lost he would have to bring me a vulo and a feather. And so we moved to begin the race, my kaiila he is a temperamental beast and at the most inopportune of times and he nearly knocked me into the next hand as I fell a time or two, the race was close but it was fun and I enjoyed every moment even when I had to eat dirt.
Now it was very close in fact so close I think I only won just by the skin of my teeth. Now see it just isn't any feather he will find it is one that he has set up as a challenge for himself, this I found interesting in fact it intrigued me. The night was about to take a turn for as we talked a young warrior in a panic joined us with him he had a young pregnant woman who had an arrow lodged in a very precarious position. Ongel quickly moved to her side and went to work, he worked with a skill and precision that comes with many turnings of practice, now I do not say this simply because it is him. But, because I observed with the eye of a physician, I tend to be rather observant and he worked quickly, and spoke to her in a calm manner as he told her the truth of the situation, I liked that, no false stories or hope, just the simple facts of what was and what could be. I helped as I could. I offered to help him in a way that I often do for other healers, I think he took it wrong, I wasn't asking him to cross the line of a healer into the spex or vice versa, nor was I trying to do what he does, I have a great deal of respect for him and his clan, I was simply offering to see where the arrow was so he could better maneuver it and do what he needed to do. It kind of took me back a step as he seemed to think I was trying to do some sort of healing. There are only certain times I will use my abilities as a spex to help heal or remove pain. And I am careful of when and how. if it was common knowledge and everyone would want it and then I would never be able to function. Over the turnings such has only been used for Garyx, Cana and Ba'atar. I do not do it often as it takes a lot of me to do it and effects me for a few ahns.
I respected his answer even though I really wanted to explain better, that moment wasn't it, and I never step on the toes of other clans, he was the healer, I would do as he directed, holding the skin once he removed the arrow so he could stitch her up.
I notices a few expressions after the woman's mate arrived, I was curious of it, but again I would wait until he was done explaining things to the mate . The warrior had a difficult choice to make while Ongel worked on his woman, to save her, or to save the unborn child, the warrior quickly made a choice, and to my surprise Ongel took the time to really explain the outcomes of each decision. The warrior thought on this and then made a choice. When he was done she was alive and still had her baby, and instructions were given for her care.
The way he spoke I had to ask if he had felt the loss of such, of an unborn child I knew he had lost his mate he had spoken of that. He did not answer right away and I noticed the deep breath he took, he did know the pain and he had made a different choice and lost both. But before I could say anything he quickly changed the subject to getting some food. I swear I sure know how to make a man shut down and clam up must be some bloody damn gift. It was also then that I noticed the scars that ran up under the flesh of his arms and met at the center of his chest, quickly hidden by the tunic he wore, I wanted to know how he got them.
But I already knew not to ask because he had that aura of needing to be away from my company and in the influx of the energy of many people. I walked back with him to the main fires. keeping quieter than I usually would.
He was a puzzle I could not quite figure out, for just when I got close to grasping a piece it was quickly snatched out of my grasp. I did not dwell on this as I sat down to relax with others by the main fires, I listened quietly for a bit adding a bit or two here and there.
Eventually, he was left alone again with me.. Do you think it is a punishment for him.. or a gift..
I think it depends on how you look at it.
But it sure does happen enough that I have noticed it and I find this rather interesting.