When I returned to my wagons I would sit by the fire I always kept going. It held the scents of herbs and sage, it kept my area calm and positive. Which was important as I worked, I placed the boots by the fire, I had many things to occupy my hands, Cana's children have been staying with me and Hallie and Arkus have been helping in caring for them. I asked Mezoo if she would mind helping me out, I knew she would not, it would allow me more time to take care of Cana, but I knew soon I would need to delegate to others to take care of her, I can only do it for so long before I wear myself out and then I am not good for anything.
For ahns I worked on various spells that a few requested, each made with a specific purpose and for that particular person. I set the items aside needed for each person and put them in various baskets so that I could take them to those who sought them. It was quite late into the night when I started on some talismans under the light of the moons, the iridescent fingers would glide down ward until an array of mystical light splashed on the ground, it was here I would work on these items, the moons had power, and I utilized this, just as I saved rain water and let it set under the night of the full moons for various reasons, such water was put away and marked to be used for sacred rituals. I loved the duality of the moon, the hint of mystical and the hint of shadow, the light and the dark, the mystery and the power, I especially loved the power of lunar healing, it is an ancient technique used only for certain things, much like how the power of the drums are thought to keep the shadows at bay, do they work, who is to say, we are superstitious maybe it does.. and maybe it doesn't , it is not a secret I will share.
I stretched my arm as it healed the muscles were tight but I knew that was because I was over doing it. I then took the boots and sat on the step of my wagon, and I worked on them, I think if I were to say it was relaxing for me it would make others think me nuts , but it is a task I can do with my eyes closed, my father had taught me when I was young and he was a stickler for what he perceived as perfection which there is no such thing, but I did learn how to do it to his standards, and like all things I learn it well and put everything into it. The mixture was one I concocted many turnings ago, it was designed to protect the hide and give it longer life, all things required sustenance. When they were done I sat them by the fire letting the faint wisps of sage flow over them as they were bathed in the warm soft glow of the fire.
I finally went to my own furs, sleep often eluded me, I would sleep for a few ahns and then be up in the middle of the night, sometimes I would ride sometimes I would work until fatigue seduced me once more.
As if often my way I was up early in the morning, preparing meals for the young ones, so that when Mezoo came to take them for a while they would be ready. Then I dropped of the boots at Ongel's wagon, along with a basket that held a rolled hide that contained various sizes on needles that were not their usual bone ones but very sharp, metallic ones, various lengths and sizes, one could puncture bone if needed, along with a few unusual healing ointments made from rare plants and oils,made by the clan under the kiss of the sacred moons. There were other items placed to assist him as a healer.
Then I made my way to check on Cana, Rook often sat with her and spoke with her, just as we all did, we took turns sitting with her, though I think Rook and I have become very protective, I do not let on that the length of time it is taking is beginning to concern me. I try not to let myself question the wisdom as an elder in allowing it to go this long.
Others are just as antsy as I am beginning to feel. I ally their fears and concerns, but I hide the fact that I share them.
For ahns I worked on various spells that a few requested, each made with a specific purpose and for that particular person. I set the items aside needed for each person and put them in various baskets so that I could take them to those who sought them. It was quite late into the night when I started on some talismans under the light of the moons, the iridescent fingers would glide down ward until an array of mystical light splashed on the ground, it was here I would work on these items, the moons had power, and I utilized this, just as I saved rain water and let it set under the night of the full moons for various reasons, such water was put away and marked to be used for sacred rituals. I loved the duality of the moon, the hint of mystical and the hint of shadow, the light and the dark, the mystery and the power, I especially loved the power of lunar healing, it is an ancient technique used only for certain things, much like how the power of the drums are thought to keep the shadows at bay, do they work, who is to say, we are superstitious maybe it does.. and maybe it doesn't , it is not a secret I will share.
I stretched my arm as it healed the muscles were tight but I knew that was because I was over doing it. I then took the boots and sat on the step of my wagon, and I worked on them, I think if I were to say it was relaxing for me it would make others think me nuts , but it is a task I can do with my eyes closed, my father had taught me when I was young and he was a stickler for what he perceived as perfection which there is no such thing, but I did learn how to do it to his standards, and like all things I learn it well and put everything into it. The mixture was one I concocted many turnings ago, it was designed to protect the hide and give it longer life, all things required sustenance. When they were done I sat them by the fire letting the faint wisps of sage flow over them as they were bathed in the warm soft glow of the fire.
I finally went to my own furs, sleep often eluded me, I would sleep for a few ahns and then be up in the middle of the night, sometimes I would ride sometimes I would work until fatigue seduced me once more.
As if often my way I was up early in the morning, preparing meals for the young ones, so that when Mezoo came to take them for a while they would be ready. Then I dropped of the boots at Ongel's wagon, along with a basket that held a rolled hide that contained various sizes on needles that were not their usual bone ones but very sharp, metallic ones, various lengths and sizes, one could puncture bone if needed, along with a few unusual healing ointments made from rare plants and oils,made by the clan under the kiss of the sacred moons. There were other items placed to assist him as a healer.
Then I made my way to check on Cana, Rook often sat with her and spoke with her, just as we all did, we took turns sitting with her, though I think Rook and I have become very protective, I do not let on that the length of time it is taking is beginning to concern me. I try not to let myself question the wisdom as an elder in allowing it to go this long.
Others are just as antsy as I am beginning to feel. I ally their fears and concerns, but I hide the fact that I share them.