Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Life ebbs and flows. . .

I had spent several ahns sitting with Cana, something told me that Fonce needed me there physically with her, I do not know why I thought this or if it was even correct, but it was a strong feeling, one I could not ignore. My hand would hold hers as my eyes closed, I would just sit there like a conduit in a manner of speaking. I had to restrain myself on a few levels. Whatever the two of them needed I would give them as they needed it and when.

It was quite a few ahns later I would leave her and to check on her children, ensuring they were fed I knew that Chay and my children would help, and I was not surprised to see both Arkus and Hallie there entertaining and feeding them I would sit with them for a short while, listening to the stories. Tug sat next to me and I hugged him gently, I remember when he was born in fact I can recall all of their births a few I even had a hand in. I listened to the adventures of the day. I considered each of them my grandchildren, I know only one is by blood, but they are each special to me, and each had a place in my heart, I would protect them with my life, Cana knew this which is why they were where they are.

When it was time for them to get ready for bed, Hallie was all ready to tell them a story and to my amazement off they all went to hear it, I would take the twins and help bathe them and play with them until they were worn out and ready to sleep. Then I would walk towards the healers, I knew I needed to get my arm looked at, but somehow I made a detour to the main fire, procured some black wine and sat down on one of the wagon steps. Nothing like delaying the journey.

Tasco was there sleeping, I had to smile as I watched Yamka try to sneak up on him, he told her she creeped very loudly. For some time I watched the interaction between the two, they seemed to enjoy each other. Now it seemed to me that something was flowing between them, a spark. The healer Ongel joined us. I sat there for a while not moving much, in fact I was sitting very still, mostly because I was in a great deal of pain and also because I was going over much in my mind, the situation with Cana, wondering what Fonce would do and wanting to be able to help them both thru this. It was when I felt the gaze of the healer, somehow he must have caught the stillness and was looking to see if I was injured, I recognized the assessing look.

I asked him to look at my arm, I knew something was not right, I could feel it, I just couldn't get to it. I am sure the shock of me asking a healer to help me would be heard and felt and I wouldn't be able to live it down. Of course I had to ask questions, testing him, seeing if he knew what he was doing, I didn't let on the extent of my knowledge, but I was testing him. He found the wood that was lodged in the flesh, I am not sure if he stitched it or if he didn't, I was focusing on not moving and whining like a baby about the pain. I have a fair tolerance to pain and that hurt almost as bad as a cauterizing iron. He said something about not stitching it yet, as it would scar, that small scar would be nothing to the few that already adorn me, the scars of a snow larl, a larl and a tharlarian still decorate me along with a few from assorted arrows and a bolt. I am definitely not pretty undressed, I look better with clothing. Add the markings of my hands and feet and the spex mark. Well, I guess one could say I am a quirky bit of canvas. Definitely would scar even the most courageous of warriors.

He did not do bad, I will have to give him credit. A few things I wasn't impressed with but for the most part he knew what he was doing, he had a good technique and manner and that says much to me. Afterwards I would go and check on Cana and then retire to my wagons to try and rest.

It was the next day I would find out that damn healer would in a not so subtle way pick up on one of my tricks.

The only thing worse than a warrior that is a healer... is one that is observant and catches things others miss.

What is even worse?

I actually listened.. isn't that rather scary.