There is a strange fascination I think of people when it comes to fire, but it is an element that is not natural, in fact it is the only element that is not, and it stands on its own, by its own force of will, hence why it is the element of the will, it is destructive and wild, and yet within its flames it can allow for growth and life. It is not an element that you can control and those that try find out very quickly why you can not.
Now I am primarily of the element of fire it is my nature it is a part of my birth, I am one with all elements in a way only a handful of Haruspex are, it is not something I teach unless I see a combination of two elements.
There are a few that I know are of only one element or two and fire is one that beckons to them, I have been watching them, studying them because I like to see what they come up with on their own.
It is a variety of thoughts that come into my mind as the wall of fire builds and intensifies, cutting off the air supply to just a bare minimum. For whatever reason Mezoo decided to battle the element, she acted before any of us could tell her no, I think she has found out rather quickly that she is not ready and without the experience or knowledge that comes with age, she could not win. Her heart might be in the right place, but she should heed the action and examples of the elders who were not attempting to control it. There was a reason we did not touch it nor try to touch it. Just as she tried her hand at the elements I moved along side her intent on helping her and supporting her so she did not get herself severely injured or killed, I cant be angry at her, the skies know I have done similar things when I was young and still do that earn my a slap across my head and a very stern lecture, being an elder doesn't mean you get off easy. I took a stance along the ground I felt the flames along my feet and legs, normally fire does not affect me as fast as this one did, and it made me ponder it, there was something more to this, the sky was telling us something, it wanted us to heed its warning,we were not to interfere and before I could tell Mezoo what I felt I heard Fonce, his wave caught my attention and I was distracted long enough for my young friend to find herself in over her head, suddenly she collapsed from the smoke she was inhaling,and the drain that the fire itself could illicit. I quickly moved to her side and the men helped me get her on my kailla, Fonce's warning to get out confirmed what I suspected.
I covered Mezoo in my cloak and covered her face and held her close to me, if we make it out of this, I am going to beat her arse a few times over, for making me worry. She along with a few others will make me grey or bald. I maneuvered Eclipse so that we could ride towards Fonce. When I cam along side him he would give me a wet scarf to cover her mouth and nose. The birds and animals were rushing along side us seeking safety. There were no predators this day, only life seeking a place to hide, to survive. The acrid smell of burned flesh assailed my senses as it hung in the air, the heavy pungent scent of burning wagons, and the suffocating blanket of smoke wrapped about us, I could feel the lining of my lungs feel as if burning, I could feel sweat form along my skin and taste the combination of smoke and sweat.
There were many sounds that filled the air as the fire hissed and crackled, an inferno carving its path over the plains, devouring everything in its hungry kiss. The screams of people and animals filled the air, it was almost deafening as we rode. The flames licked our bodies and eventually there was a break and we took it. Fonce directed me to find the healers and I did not hesitate in riding fast and hard along the rows of wagons that were being moved and eventually I found Ongel, I was relieved to see him alive and I handed Mezoo off to him, she was still unconscious, I knew he would take good care of her, I had no doubt of his skills as a healer. Ayguili would worry about her I knew, something that was confirmed later when he found her, I saw his expression, that is a man who truly loves his woman. I hope that the two of them work thru the problems that they seem to have.
Ongel mentioned helping with the injuries, I told him I would but with all the noise around us I am not sure how much he heard, first I had to help Fonce, we needed to divert the fire, now we cant always control the elements but we can guide them and fire if you know how to speak to it, feel it and work with it, it will flow in a new direction and find new prey. The men would continue digging the trenches as long as they could and then Fonce would take the rim and I would take the krim ward. Taking a lance I wrapped a cloth at the end and then lit it, I would speak to the guardians of the fire, I spoke their name with the reverence they deserved, then I rode along the ground and set another fire , I lost sight of Fonce as we worked, but I could feel the fire on each side of me, I felt fear, in a way I do not think I could explain. This was unlike anything we have seen before on the plains and I felt a moment of panic and reminded myself to get it together, I was a strong person, I would persevere, so with that same iron willed stubbornness that has saved my life more than once I pressed on, until Ayguili yelled for me to return to the safety of the wagons. I did not have to think twice on this, I quickly rode towards him leaning down to pat out the flames and smoke that encased my boots, they felt hot and yet I felt nothing, probably a good thing.
I asked if he saw Fonce, he had not but would look for him, I then quickly moved along the wagons, Silk and Ongel were at one place so I rode further down and would work to meet them in the middle, there were endless injuries, broken bones, charred flesh, some were beyond any help we could give and it was clear it would only be a matter of time before they drew their last breath, all that could be done was to make them comfortable. I held a few women feeling their tears wet my tunic, their cries pierce my heart, I felt as if I was dying with a few of them, I felt tears form in my eyes and I did what I could with what I had. One little girl her toy kaiila was injured so I bandaged two of his legs and drew a smiley face on the bandage, though my signature mark is to create it with the stitches I improvised for her and drew it. Then I fixed her arm and stitched it and gave her a matching bandage. So many children without their parents and parents without their children, it was heart breaking and we tried to keep everyone together so that no one was alone.
Eventually we came to a stop, and injuries were triaged. I found myself just moving about, not really thinking or feeling at that point, the devastation was overwhelming and I sat by one of the wagons, Ayguili joined me and I looked him over to ensure he was alright. He told me of how Mezoo was , I heard the worry and concern in his voice. The healer eventually joined us and Ayguili had to go and tell that I had injuries, well not that I was hiding the fact but others were in more need than me. I was ordered to the stream, okay I could have argued but I didn't, I was aware the boots needed to come off, I saw what the flames did, and even I knew this was not going to be fun. I was not looking forward to this.
Eventually the healer joined me and he removed his boots and moved into the cool flow of the stream, he worked on the boots, suddenly quickly removing them, I felt the flesh give way reluctantly and the throbbing pain the shot thru my legs was enough to almost make me faint, good skies, I thought of how embarrassing that would be to faint. I struggled to keep aware and fought against the intense pain, I tried not to make a sound, but it hurt worse than those damn cauterizing irons and thorns that pierced my flesh to make the markings on my hands and feet. Even labor pains were easier than this. But no matter how I fought to contain it a few low agonized sounds escaped. I watched him work on my legs letting my vision focus on his hands and not on what he was doing. I tried to think of anything and everything and not on what he was doing.
As I watched I thought of how weak I did appear, many think I am strong, unbreakable, and that I do not need anyone to care for me or protect me, nothing could be more wrong. Yes, I am strong I have had to be in order to survive, but I also need and want someone to be there to take care of me when I need it and yet let me have that free reign I need at times, someone who knows when to let my temper flow and when to reign me in. Someone to wrap me in their arms and hold me telling me that it will be alright. I need protection as well and want it. I wanted to be there for someone to support them, help them and listen to them, to protect them as well, to give the gift of children and so much more. It was all of these things I thought of as he rubbed the raw sensitive flesh, I felt my body tense and I forced my self to not draw my leg away from the pain.
He dressed them with instructions on not to get them dirty and to rest for a day with no walking, and even then I should take it easy, but he wouldn't hold his breath, Ha. .. I might surprise him. I did offer when this was all done and we were all settled that he join me for a night to relax and share a meal.
He carried me to my wagons and I rested my head against his chest, I could hear his heartbeat beneath my ear, even thru the sweat and smoke I could catch his scent that loved to tease my senses, damn man. Why does he have to affect me. He lay me down to my furs with specific orders.
When he left, I could hear him chuckling outside my wagon... Now just what was he finding amusing.
And I had a feeling I wasn't going to be finding out any time soon.
And my night, it was going to be a long one. One thing about burns, sooner or later the nerves come back to life after the initial trauma..
And mine were creating their own melody. . .
Now I am primarily of the element of fire it is my nature it is a part of my birth, I am one with all elements in a way only a handful of Haruspex are, it is not something I teach unless I see a combination of two elements.
There are a few that I know are of only one element or two and fire is one that beckons to them, I have been watching them, studying them because I like to see what they come up with on their own.
It is a variety of thoughts that come into my mind as the wall of fire builds and intensifies, cutting off the air supply to just a bare minimum. For whatever reason Mezoo decided to battle the element, she acted before any of us could tell her no, I think she has found out rather quickly that she is not ready and without the experience or knowledge that comes with age, she could not win. Her heart might be in the right place, but she should heed the action and examples of the elders who were not attempting to control it. There was a reason we did not touch it nor try to touch it. Just as she tried her hand at the elements I moved along side her intent on helping her and supporting her so she did not get herself severely injured or killed, I cant be angry at her, the skies know I have done similar things when I was young and still do that earn my a slap across my head and a very stern lecture, being an elder doesn't mean you get off easy. I took a stance along the ground I felt the flames along my feet and legs, normally fire does not affect me as fast as this one did, and it made me ponder it, there was something more to this, the sky was telling us something, it wanted us to heed its warning,we were not to interfere and before I could tell Mezoo what I felt I heard Fonce, his wave caught my attention and I was distracted long enough for my young friend to find herself in over her head, suddenly she collapsed from the smoke she was inhaling,and the drain that the fire itself could illicit. I quickly moved to her side and the men helped me get her on my kailla, Fonce's warning to get out confirmed what I suspected.
I covered Mezoo in my cloak and covered her face and held her close to me, if we make it out of this, I am going to beat her arse a few times over, for making me worry. She along with a few others will make me grey or bald. I maneuvered Eclipse so that we could ride towards Fonce. When I cam along side him he would give me a wet scarf to cover her mouth and nose. The birds and animals were rushing along side us seeking safety. There were no predators this day, only life seeking a place to hide, to survive. The acrid smell of burned flesh assailed my senses as it hung in the air, the heavy pungent scent of burning wagons, and the suffocating blanket of smoke wrapped about us, I could feel the lining of my lungs feel as if burning, I could feel sweat form along my skin and taste the combination of smoke and sweat.
There were many sounds that filled the air as the fire hissed and crackled, an inferno carving its path over the plains, devouring everything in its hungry kiss. The screams of people and animals filled the air, it was almost deafening as we rode. The flames licked our bodies and eventually there was a break and we took it. Fonce directed me to find the healers and I did not hesitate in riding fast and hard along the rows of wagons that were being moved and eventually I found Ongel, I was relieved to see him alive and I handed Mezoo off to him, she was still unconscious, I knew he would take good care of her, I had no doubt of his skills as a healer. Ayguili would worry about her I knew, something that was confirmed later when he found her, I saw his expression, that is a man who truly loves his woman. I hope that the two of them work thru the problems that they seem to have.
Ongel mentioned helping with the injuries, I told him I would but with all the noise around us I am not sure how much he heard, first I had to help Fonce, we needed to divert the fire, now we cant always control the elements but we can guide them and fire if you know how to speak to it, feel it and work with it, it will flow in a new direction and find new prey. The men would continue digging the trenches as long as they could and then Fonce would take the rim and I would take the krim ward. Taking a lance I wrapped a cloth at the end and then lit it, I would speak to the guardians of the fire, I spoke their name with the reverence they deserved, then I rode along the ground and set another fire , I lost sight of Fonce as we worked, but I could feel the fire on each side of me, I felt fear, in a way I do not think I could explain. This was unlike anything we have seen before on the plains and I felt a moment of panic and reminded myself to get it together, I was a strong person, I would persevere, so with that same iron willed stubbornness that has saved my life more than once I pressed on, until Ayguili yelled for me to return to the safety of the wagons. I did not have to think twice on this, I quickly rode towards him leaning down to pat out the flames and smoke that encased my boots, they felt hot and yet I felt nothing, probably a good thing.
I asked if he saw Fonce, he had not but would look for him, I then quickly moved along the wagons, Silk and Ongel were at one place so I rode further down and would work to meet them in the middle, there were endless injuries, broken bones, charred flesh, some were beyond any help we could give and it was clear it would only be a matter of time before they drew their last breath, all that could be done was to make them comfortable. I held a few women feeling their tears wet my tunic, their cries pierce my heart, I felt as if I was dying with a few of them, I felt tears form in my eyes and I did what I could with what I had. One little girl her toy kaiila was injured so I bandaged two of his legs and drew a smiley face on the bandage, though my signature mark is to create it with the stitches I improvised for her and drew it. Then I fixed her arm and stitched it and gave her a matching bandage. So many children without their parents and parents without their children, it was heart breaking and we tried to keep everyone together so that no one was alone.
Eventually we came to a stop, and injuries were triaged. I found myself just moving about, not really thinking or feeling at that point, the devastation was overwhelming and I sat by one of the wagons, Ayguili joined me and I looked him over to ensure he was alright. He told me of how Mezoo was , I heard the worry and concern in his voice. The healer eventually joined us and Ayguili had to go and tell that I had injuries, well not that I was hiding the fact but others were in more need than me. I was ordered to the stream, okay I could have argued but I didn't, I was aware the boots needed to come off, I saw what the flames did, and even I knew this was not going to be fun. I was not looking forward to this.
Eventually the healer joined me and he removed his boots and moved into the cool flow of the stream, he worked on the boots, suddenly quickly removing them, I felt the flesh give way reluctantly and the throbbing pain the shot thru my legs was enough to almost make me faint, good skies, I thought of how embarrassing that would be to faint. I struggled to keep aware and fought against the intense pain, I tried not to make a sound, but it hurt worse than those damn cauterizing irons and thorns that pierced my flesh to make the markings on my hands and feet. Even labor pains were easier than this. But no matter how I fought to contain it a few low agonized sounds escaped. I watched him work on my legs letting my vision focus on his hands and not on what he was doing. I tried to think of anything and everything and not on what he was doing.
As I watched I thought of how weak I did appear, many think I am strong, unbreakable, and that I do not need anyone to care for me or protect me, nothing could be more wrong. Yes, I am strong I have had to be in order to survive, but I also need and want someone to be there to take care of me when I need it and yet let me have that free reign I need at times, someone who knows when to let my temper flow and when to reign me in. Someone to wrap me in their arms and hold me telling me that it will be alright. I need protection as well and want it. I wanted to be there for someone to support them, help them and listen to them, to protect them as well, to give the gift of children and so much more. It was all of these things I thought of as he rubbed the raw sensitive flesh, I felt my body tense and I forced my self to not draw my leg away from the pain.
He dressed them with instructions on not to get them dirty and to rest for a day with no walking, and even then I should take it easy, but he wouldn't hold his breath, Ha. .. I might surprise him. I did offer when this was all done and we were all settled that he join me for a night to relax and share a meal.
He carried me to my wagons and I rested my head against his chest, I could hear his heartbeat beneath my ear, even thru the sweat and smoke I could catch his scent that loved to tease my senses, damn man. Why does he have to affect me. He lay me down to my furs with specific orders.
When he left, I could hear him chuckling outside my wagon... Now just what was he finding amusing.
And I had a feeling I wasn't going to be finding out any time soon.
And my night, it was going to be a long one. One thing about burns, sooner or later the nerves come back to life after the initial trauma..
And mine were creating their own melody. . .