It caused an array of tastes to explode upon my palate. It could have several meanings to it. Especially when it was uttered by Chulun. He has become a dear friend to me as well as a trusted and valued teacher, in some ways I think he is more like a grandfather to me.
"Do you lack the courage to face what you need to?" He would ask suddenly out of the blue.
Without warning I felt this sudden surge of anger rise upward like a coiled snake ready to strike and crush its prey, I could not stop the low hiss that slipped past my lips, my voice did not even sound like my own. I felt her fight to emerge and be free, I felt the dark witch that was a part me want to lash out and wreck havoc. And yet I felt something else within me hiding behind her fighting to be free, screaming for someone to hear, crying out for someone to reach in and offer that hand that would be a lifeline.
"Old man be careful of what you ask for." Was growled out low.
To my shock and surprise and my eyes widened with what I just did and said, I never speak to any of the older ones in such a tone or manner, I covered my mouth with my hands and looked to him. "Oh good skies! I am so sorry, I never do that." I could only imagine what he would think. I felt as if my control was slipping faster and faster with each passing day, every time I opened my mouth it came out in a way it should not and much was felt behind it that should not be. To my amazement that old man he just smiled and laughed, his words made no sense to me for some time.
"Good, good. You are making progress.. Tell me Tarra. Why do you try to keep such a strong control of your emotions, you very rarely let anyone know what you truly feel, you brush things aside even when they hurt you deeply and anger you. You keep them in a place that seems to others untouchable."
This was dangerous, he was venturing into an area I was not ready for and I watched him with the wariness of a caged animal. I had to think upon his words, that meant going backwards in time to various places and events, trying to remember when I began to perfect the skill. I felt myself fighting against looking I did not really want to go back, though a part of me knew the answer. " Do not stop, you are no coward, you are not some weak minded woman that you fear the truth" I felt that sudden rush of emotion once more and I curled my hands into fists to keep from lashing out, I felt the nails dig into my flesh. And again he would only nod and smile, was he a masochistic old man? I began to wonder.
I drew in a slow unsteady breath, I could feel a cold sweat ensconce my body, I felt my heart thunder loudly in my chest as I looked out over the plains, I knew how to do this, I always do it with ease, why was it so hard tonight, it was as if I were a beginner. In the curtain of water that fell over the plains I could see Lochley and Garyx, it was as if I could reach out and touch them and I felt my heart break once more, I felt the sudden rush of warm tears mix with the cool rain and a low agonizing cry of pain was drawn from the very depths of my soul. The two people in my life who always loved me no matter what, accepted me flaws and all, supported me even when they did not always understand, they loved me with a depth and commitment that the loss of it was like removing a part of myself. They always had a way to guide me and give me direction.
And as much as I wanted to reach out and touch them and take the help I knew they would reveal, I had to close my eyes and force myself to not reach into that realm. "No." I whispered softly. "No! Go away,!" I would utter with more vehemence. "Why did you tell them to go Hallena?" I heard Chulun ask me. I knew he was aware of things I could see and how I could walk between various dimensions. Crap, I thought to myself he is using my true name, he only did that during certain times and I knew that he was in a mode that would wring the very life from me before the night was done. I knew I could not evade and dance around it. I would have to walk that fine line now in order to preserve my sanity. I tried to think of all that Fonce told me as well.
"Because, I have to do this myself, no one can give the answers." He was silent for a few moments and I had to open my eyes and look to him. "So you feel you have to do this alone?" Damn he was not going to let go of this tonight, and I knew he knew the chaotic fragility I was feeling, of the storm of emotions that I felt. "No, that is not what I am saying." I knew I could not get thru this alone. If nothing else I had discovered this.
"Continue." He would command
Eventually in my mind I found myself back upon the plains when I was a child, where all things began and all things ended, in a sense it was as if I were coming full circle. I watched thru different eyes and suddenly I realized when I began to perfect hiding my emotions, often I thought it was when my father sent me away and when the dwellers that I was forced to be around tried to destroy who and what I was. They nearly succeeded but I seem to have this resilient nature that allows me to rise from the destruction and ashes to emerge stronger, to survive. But, that was not when I began.
It began when I was younger, as I watched my father with others, I noticed how he was one way in private and one way in public, there was a duality of persona, the softer side and the tougher side. I patterned some things after him, this is not anything in which you place blame, for there is no wrong or right, only doing the best that we each can be, I watched the outriders, of how they were give such a strong show of being tough, unbreakable, strong, courageous and unbending in some ways. But, yet they could laugh and enjoy the things in life they loved and cherished. That is when I learned to perfect that control.
I felt myself slowly lower downward to the ground, all the emotions that have been bombarding me since the fire came out, that low mournful cry of grief and sorrow for the loss of so many lives, for the pain of those that lost family and loved ones. I felt the emergence of the heavy weight of knowing there was nothing that could be done to help everyone, the burden or responsibility, the feeling of not being adequate of being useless, I felt that almost manical laughter of deceit and manipulation crawl thru me, I knew where each emotion belonged and to whom. I greatest thing I felt though was the sensation of being overwhelmed, it was as if I were drawing the mantle of emotions from the tribe to give them a sense of lightness and peace and balance. I felt it being sucked into me only to be released in a flood tide of sorrow, I felt my hands move along the plains as if I could claw my way down into the deepest depths of it. It released with an intensity that was painful and yet I could also begin to feel an awareness of relief.
I became aware of Chulun sitting beside me and gathering me in his arms and rocking me as his gnarled hand smoothed the wet strands of my hair. " Now you can begin." He would state in a low tone. "Now those of us that care about you and love you can help you." I did not understand his words, I only know I felt the warmth of him and I clung to him like a child who had just been thru hell and back. Perhaps in that moment, the child was allowed out, to begin to heal and grow as she was destined to. I felt my head throb and ache as the sobs began to quiet, my breath though seemed to still come in short rapid gasps. It took some time for that to subside.
"Come you must rest." I had to agree as I slowly stood with him, both of us were soaked to the skin and his mate was going to fuss at him and kick his butt. He offered his hand to help me stand and I took it and stood, feeling somewhat shaky and unsteady,he offered to walk back with me. But I needed to walk back on my own accord, I am not sure why but I knew just as I lived and breathed that I needed to.
"I need to do it on my own." I would state softly. He would nod and walk back with me towards my wagons. It took some time and by the time I arrived, I could swear that it felt as if every synapse was firing and connecting, the liquid fire would flood every cell no matter how minute. It was an awareness that was new to me and I was not sure what to think of it. "Tarra, be warned you will be over sensitive and there will be difficulty in separating things." I looked to him I had already had trouble figuring out what was mine and what was not, this was just not something I wanted to know. " Do not give up. No matter how bad it gets." He then hugged me and left.
I sat for a long time on the steps of my wagon.
Yes,now I was vulnerable. And I felt it.
Now what?
It caused an array of tastes to explode upon my palate. It could have several meanings to it. Especially when it was uttered by Chulun. He has become a dear friend to me as well as a trusted and valued teacher, in some ways I think he is more like a grandfather to me.
"Do you lack the courage to face what you need to?" He would ask suddenly out of the blue.
Without warning I felt this sudden surge of anger rise upward like a coiled snake ready to strike and crush its prey, I could not stop the low hiss that slipped past my lips, my voice did not even sound like my own. I felt her fight to emerge and be free, I felt the dark witch that was a part me want to lash out and wreck havoc. And yet I felt something else within me hiding behind her fighting to be free, screaming for someone to hear, crying out for someone to reach in and offer that hand that would be a lifeline.
"Old man be careful of what you ask for." Was growled out low.
To my shock and surprise and my eyes widened with what I just did and said, I never speak to any of the older ones in such a tone or manner, I covered my mouth with my hands and looked to him. "Oh good skies! I am so sorry, I never do that." I could only imagine what he would think. I felt as if my control was slipping faster and faster with each passing day, every time I opened my mouth it came out in a way it should not and much was felt behind it that should not be. To my amazement that old man he just smiled and laughed, his words made no sense to me for some time.
"Good, good. You are making progress.. Tell me Tarra. Why do you try to keep such a strong control of your emotions, you very rarely let anyone know what you truly feel, you brush things aside even when they hurt you deeply and anger you. You keep them in a place that seems to others untouchable."
This was dangerous, he was venturing into an area I was not ready for and I watched him with the wariness of a caged animal. I had to think upon his words, that meant going backwards in time to various places and events, trying to remember when I began to perfect the skill. I felt myself fighting against looking I did not really want to go back, though a part of me knew the answer. " Do not stop, you are no coward, you are not some weak minded woman that you fear the truth" I felt that sudden rush of emotion once more and I curled my hands into fists to keep from lashing out, I felt the nails dig into my flesh. And again he would only nod and smile, was he a masochistic old man? I began to wonder.
I drew in a slow unsteady breath, I could feel a cold sweat ensconce my body, I felt my heart thunder loudly in my chest as I looked out over the plains, I knew how to do this, I always do it with ease, why was it so hard tonight, it was as if I were a beginner. In the curtain of water that fell over the plains I could see Lochley and Garyx, it was as if I could reach out and touch them and I felt my heart break once more, I felt the sudden rush of warm tears mix with the cool rain and a low agonizing cry of pain was drawn from the very depths of my soul. The two people in my life who always loved me no matter what, accepted me flaws and all, supported me even when they did not always understand, they loved me with a depth and commitment that the loss of it was like removing a part of myself. They always had a way to guide me and give me direction.
And as much as I wanted to reach out and touch them and take the help I knew they would reveal, I had to close my eyes and force myself to not reach into that realm. "No." I whispered softly. "No! Go away,!" I would utter with more vehemence. "Why did you tell them to go Hallena?" I heard Chulun ask me. I knew he was aware of things I could see and how I could walk between various dimensions. Crap, I thought to myself he is using my true name, he only did that during certain times and I knew that he was in a mode that would wring the very life from me before the night was done. I knew I could not evade and dance around it. I would have to walk that fine line now in order to preserve my sanity. I tried to think of all that Fonce told me as well.
"Because, I have to do this myself, no one can give the answers." He was silent for a few moments and I had to open my eyes and look to him. "So you feel you have to do this alone?" Damn he was not going to let go of this tonight, and I knew he knew the chaotic fragility I was feeling, of the storm of emotions that I felt. "No, that is not what I am saying." I knew I could not get thru this alone. If nothing else I had discovered this.
"Continue." He would command
Eventually in my mind I found myself back upon the plains when I was a child, where all things began and all things ended, in a sense it was as if I were coming full circle. I watched thru different eyes and suddenly I realized when I began to perfect hiding my emotions, often I thought it was when my father sent me away and when the dwellers that I was forced to be around tried to destroy who and what I was. They nearly succeeded but I seem to have this resilient nature that allows me to rise from the destruction and ashes to emerge stronger, to survive. But, that was not when I began.
It began when I was younger, as I watched my father with others, I noticed how he was one way in private and one way in public, there was a duality of persona, the softer side and the tougher side. I patterned some things after him, this is not anything in which you place blame, for there is no wrong or right, only doing the best that we each can be, I watched the outriders, of how they were give such a strong show of being tough, unbreakable, strong, courageous and unbending in some ways. But, yet they could laugh and enjoy the things in life they loved and cherished. That is when I learned to perfect that control.
I felt myself slowly lower downward to the ground, all the emotions that have been bombarding me since the fire came out, that low mournful cry of grief and sorrow for the loss of so many lives, for the pain of those that lost family and loved ones. I felt the emergence of the heavy weight of knowing there was nothing that could be done to help everyone, the burden or responsibility, the feeling of not being adequate of being useless, I felt that almost manical laughter of deceit and manipulation crawl thru me, I knew where each emotion belonged and to whom. I greatest thing I felt though was the sensation of being overwhelmed, it was as if I were drawing the mantle of emotions from the tribe to give them a sense of lightness and peace and balance. I felt it being sucked into me only to be released in a flood tide of sorrow, I felt my hands move along the plains as if I could claw my way down into the deepest depths of it. It released with an intensity that was painful and yet I could also begin to feel an awareness of relief.
I became aware of Chulun sitting beside me and gathering me in his arms and rocking me as his gnarled hand smoothed the wet strands of my hair. " Now you can begin." He would state in a low tone. "Now those of us that care about you and love you can help you." I did not understand his words, I only know I felt the warmth of him and I clung to him like a child who had just been thru hell and back. Perhaps in that moment, the child was allowed out, to begin to heal and grow as she was destined to. I felt my head throb and ache as the sobs began to quiet, my breath though seemed to still come in short rapid gasps. It took some time for that to subside.
"Come you must rest." I had to agree as I slowly stood with him, both of us were soaked to the skin and his mate was going to fuss at him and kick his butt. He offered his hand to help me stand and I took it and stood, feeling somewhat shaky and unsteady,he offered to walk back with me. But I needed to walk back on my own accord, I am not sure why but I knew just as I lived and breathed that I needed to.
"I need to do it on my own." I would state softly. He would nod and walk back with me towards my wagons. It took some time and by the time I arrived, I could swear that it felt as if every synapse was firing and connecting, the liquid fire would flood every cell no matter how minute. It was an awareness that was new to me and I was not sure what to think of it. "Tarra, be warned you will be over sensitive and there will be difficulty in separating things." I looked to him I had already had trouble figuring out what was mine and what was not, this was just not something I wanted to know. " Do not give up. No matter how bad it gets." He then hugged me and left.
I sat for a long time on the steps of my wagon.
Yes,now I was vulnerable. And I felt it.
Now what?