I woke up with a start.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my breath coming in a rapid succession. I saw myself on a trail, it was well worn and safe, windy in many directions with many twists and turns, it was intersecting with a less traveled path, its direction unknown and where it lead unknown. Garyx had his arm extended reaching out to me, at first as I recalled it I thought I had lost my hold and he was reaching for me, but as I look at the images in my mind I was standing on solid ground, but a wind was blowing around me, within its invisible layers I could see various people, situations, events and thoughts. They drifted around me all speaking at once, I was trying to decipher them. Thru all of it Garyx stood, tall and proud, confident and patiently, as if he were waiting for me to decide something, He knew, but I did not yet, now how odd was that, the spex not knowing but yet he did? What else would be new, when it came to me, he often knew me better than I did. He knew how to handle me and allow me to see clear.
Lifting a hand to my temple I felt the dampness of my skin, it was an odd dream one I am not sure what it meant but I knew it meant something, maybe I had dreamed Garyx was alive and that was just an image of him leaving me once more. But as I lay there I knew this was not true, because I felt the warmth of his arms around me as he held me close to him, the hard planes of his body molded along the softer ones of mine as my head rested on his chest, I was protected in his embrace and loved, I am not yet sure how much he remembered but he was remembering I do know that.
It occurred to me in spite of the dream, I had for the first time in many turnings, slept a deep peaceful sleep, and I knew why, it was because I was once more with him and he was with me, my protector, my confident, my lover and my mate, so many things could describe our relationship for it was not imprisoned by just one set of rules or conformity, nor did we live and express ourselves as others desire. In private we have no walls, no barriers, what we feel is what we follow.
Although we did not have a chance to talk for exhaustion had taken its toll, the night was emotionally charged even if we both held it in reserve as we felt our way thru unfamilar territory, emotionally the night had taken much out of us and we decided to rest before talking, for that was going to take some time to catch up on everything, and re-connect.
For now I will try to rest some more, as the sky brings about a new beginning.
And I for one am thankful that the sky saw fit to return him home to the plains, and to bring him back to me.
He is the black larl to the white larl, he is the one that is the guardian to the shadow walker. Many things now begin to fall into place.
Some prophecies are meant to happen and will happen regardless of what we think or know.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my breath coming in a rapid succession. I saw myself on a trail, it was well worn and safe, windy in many directions with many twists and turns, it was intersecting with a less traveled path, its direction unknown and where it lead unknown. Garyx had his arm extended reaching out to me, at first as I recalled it I thought I had lost my hold and he was reaching for me, but as I look at the images in my mind I was standing on solid ground, but a wind was blowing around me, within its invisible layers I could see various people, situations, events and thoughts. They drifted around me all speaking at once, I was trying to decipher them. Thru all of it Garyx stood, tall and proud, confident and patiently, as if he were waiting for me to decide something, He knew, but I did not yet, now how odd was that, the spex not knowing but yet he did? What else would be new, when it came to me, he often knew me better than I did. He knew how to handle me and allow me to see clear.
Lifting a hand to my temple I felt the dampness of my skin, it was an odd dream one I am not sure what it meant but I knew it meant something, maybe I had dreamed Garyx was alive and that was just an image of him leaving me once more. But as I lay there I knew this was not true, because I felt the warmth of his arms around me as he held me close to him, the hard planes of his body molded along the softer ones of mine as my head rested on his chest, I was protected in his embrace and loved, I am not yet sure how much he remembered but he was remembering I do know that.
It occurred to me in spite of the dream, I had for the first time in many turnings, slept a deep peaceful sleep, and I knew why, it was because I was once more with him and he was with me, my protector, my confident, my lover and my mate, so many things could describe our relationship for it was not imprisoned by just one set of rules or conformity, nor did we live and express ourselves as others desire. In private we have no walls, no barriers, what we feel is what we follow.
Although we did not have a chance to talk for exhaustion had taken its toll, the night was emotionally charged even if we both held it in reserve as we felt our way thru unfamilar territory, emotionally the night had taken much out of us and we decided to rest before talking, for that was going to take some time to catch up on everything, and re-connect.
For now I will try to rest some more, as the sky brings about a new beginning.
And I for one am thankful that the sky saw fit to return him home to the plains, and to bring him back to me.
He is the black larl to the white larl, he is the one that is the guardian to the shadow walker. Many things now begin to fall into place.
Some prophecies are meant to happen and will happen regardless of what we think or know.